Public transport in Milan: tickets, hours, types of transport

Public transport in Milan: tickets, hours, types of transport

Public transposrt in Milan: tickets, hours, types of transport

Milan is the city well served with the different types of public transposrt. You can travel by bus, by tram, by metro, by train through the city.

Milan and its suburbs are devided in zones and the ticket price depends on the number of zones you cross on your way.

The city of Milan is one zone and the public transport ticket costs 2 euro.

One ticket can be used for 90 minutes on the grounf transpost or for one ride in the underground transposrt.

So, you can validate your ticket and use it for 90 minutes in buses, trams, trolleys, changing the transport as much as you need. Or you can ride one way in the metro of Milan. You can not ride the metro twice with the same ticket. Even so after taking the metro you can still use the same ticket on the ground transposrt up to 90 minutes.

Moreover old trams with the wooden interiors are part of the public transportation system. Even if they look like a museum on the whells. But you can have a ride on such a tram just with 2 euro!

trams milan

Where to buy tickets for public transport in Milan.

You can buy tickets in any automatic machine in each metro station. Also in any newspaper chiosc or “T” shop. T-shops are Tabaccheria – the shops that sell cigarets. The bus/tram driver doesn’t sell tickets! So you have to enter in the transpoort with the ticket bought beforehand!

But the tickets should be validated inside the bus/tram. You will find the small machine inside where you should insert your ticket. There is no validation machine in the bus stops.

The machines stamps the date and the validation time on the back and from this moment you have 90 minutes.

Here below find the sign of the T-shops. It can be black and white or blue and white. Buy your public transport tickets in those shops.

to buy ticket in milan

Suburb transport in Milan.

Also you can go by trains in the suburbs of Milan. The price of the suburb ticket depends on the zone you need to go.

You can buy the ticket in the machine inside the train station or in the newspaper chiosc. Just indicate the zone you are going to. The price will vary from 2 to 4.40 euro. The duration of the ticket is from 90 to 135 minutes, depends on how many zones you need to go thtough.

Then you need to validate your ticket. In some stations there are entrances like in metro and you validate you ticket when you pass. but in some stations there is a small machine in the beginning for the train platform. You should validate your ticket there before entering the train.

Find the map of the suburb zones of Milan below:

trains from milan to suburbs


Working hours of Milan public transpost.

Trams and buses in Milan work from 5 am to 2 am

Metropolitan in Milan runs from 5:40 am to 00.

Suburban trains go from 5 am to 10:30 pm more or less, depend on the direction you go.


To summarize: Milan has an easy and well planned public transposrtation system.

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